AI Breakthroughs in Society: Shaping Urban Life and Politics

AI Breakthroughs in Society COVER

From governance to urban planning, AI is reshaping the fabric of society. This page showcases the pivotal AI breakthroughs in society that are influencing politics, city life, and social structures.

Browse all the other fields in our curated collection of the most important AI Breakthroughs. Each section offers insights into how AI is transforming different sectors, providing a comprehensive view of its impact across a wide range of disciplines.

AI Breakthroughs in Society, Politics & City Life - At a Glance

The Transformative Power Of AI In Politics: Reshaping Campaigns, Governance, And Democracy

AI in Politics - Voter Engagement - Image generated by Midjourney for The AI Track

The AI Track’s extensive analysis of the impact of AI in politics, revealing its transformative impact on elections, campaigns, and governance. Our analysis underscores the dual nature of AI as a tool for advancing democratic engagement and policy-making, while also posing risks like the spread of disinformation

LA's new AI pilot aims to predict & prevent homelessness by identifying high-risk residents

Original Article Title:

Los Angeles is using AI in a pilot program to try to predict homelessness and allocate aid

Source: CNBC


Los Angeles is pioneering an AI-driven pilot program aimed at predicting and preventing homelessness. The program uses a predictive algorithm developed by the California Policy Lab at UCLA to identify residents at high risk of becoming homeless. This AI tool analyzes data on individuals’ interactions with various social services and predicts the likelihood of homelessness, enabling proactive intervention.

The AI model has been trained using historical data to enhance its predictive accuracy. For example, it was fed data about people who eventually became homeless and the services they accessed prior to losing their housing. The algorithm was then used to predict who among a new group might face similar risks. The results showed that targeting the highest-risk individuals led to a more efficient allocation of resources, as these individuals were significantly more likely to benefit from the assistance offered.

Participants in this program receive financial aid ranging from $4,000 to $6,000 to cover essential expenses like rent and utilities, which is critical in preventing their slide into homelessness. Social workers reach out directly to these individuals, often having to overcome initial skepticism to get them enrolled in the program. This direct intervention model, powered by AI, represents a significant shift towards more data-driven, targeted social welfare programs that aim to prevent homelessness before it occurs.

This approach has sparked interest in potentially replicating similar AI-driven preventative measures in other regions, driven by its early successes in addressing and mitigating the complex issue of homelessness in Los Angeles.

Facial Recognition Technology and Human Raters Can Predict Political Orientation From Images of Expressionless Faces Even When Controlling for Demographics and Self-Presentation

Original Article Title:

Facial Recognition Technology and Human Raters Can Predict Political Orientation From Images of Expressionless Faces Even When Controlling for Demographics and Self-Presentation

Source: American Psychologist

Date: June 1, 2024

Key Takeaway:

Political orientation can be predicted from neutral facial images by both humans and facial recognition algorithms, even when controlling for factors like age, gender, and ethnicity.

Key Points:

  • The study involved 591 participants whose carefully standardized facial images were presented to human raters and a facial recognition algorithm.
  • Both humans (r = .21) and algorithms (r = .22) accurately predict political orientation from facial images.
  • The algorithm’s accuracy increased (r = .31) when it also considered age, gender, and ethnicity.
  • Predictive models from standardized images can predict political orientation from naturalistic images of politicians with an accuracy of r ≈ .13.
  • Analysis of facial features showed conservatives tend to have larger lower faces.
  • The predictive model generalized beyond the study sample, successfully predicting political orientation from naturalistic images of 3,401 politicians.
  • The findings highlight significant privacy implications and the need for regulating facial recognition technology.

Why This Matters:

These findings have critical implications for privacy, suggesting that facial recognition technology can infer sensitive personal traits beyond an individual’s control. This raises concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of facial recognition technology, emphasizing the need for greater regulation and awareness of the risks associated with this technology.

The U.S. employed AI, specifically the "Raven Sentry" program, to predict Taliban attacks during the troop drawdown in Afghanistan

Original Article Title:

How the US used AI to take on the Taliban amid drawdown

Source: Fox News

Date: August 4, 2024

Key Takeaway: The U.S. employed AI, specifically the “Raven Sentry” program, to predict Taliban attacks during the troop drawdown in Afghanistan, achieving a 70% success rate in forecasting potential threats.

Key Points:

  • AI Utilization: Launched in 2019, Raven Sentry used machine learning to analyze diverse data, including weather patterns and activity around mosques.
  • Operational Impact: The AI system significantly enhanced the ability to predict attacks, aiding in strategic planning and response.
  • Challenges and Success: Initial development faced hurdles, but advances in technology and a tolerance for early failures led to operational success.

Why This Matters: AI’s predictive capabilities improve military intelligence, ensuring better preparedness and security in conflict zones.

Brazil hires OpenAI to cut costs of court battles

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Brazil Hires OpenAI to Cut Costs in Court Battles

Source: Reuters

Date: 11 June 2024

Key Takeaway: Brazil is employing OpenAI’s AI technology to analyze lawsuits and potentially reduce the growing burden of court-ordered debt payments.

Key Points:

  • The AI service will alert the government about lawsuits before final decisions, enabling proactive action.
  • Microsoft will provide OpenAI’s AI services through its Azure platform.
  • The cost of these services has not been disclosed.
  • In 2024, the Brazilian government expects to spend 70.7 billion reais on judicial decisions that can’t be appealed.
  • Including small-value claims, the total court-related spending is estimated to exceed 100 billion reais.
  • This amount represents a significant increase from 37.3 billion reais in 2015.
  • The reason for the rising court costs was not specified by the AGU.
  • The AI project aims to improve efficiency and accuracy, but it won’t replace human workers.
  • The Planning Ministry allocated 25 million reais for strategic IT projects, including this AI initiative.

Why This Matters: This move could significantly impact Brazil’s fiscal health by reducing the financial burden of court-ordered payments. It also highlights the growing adoption of AI in government operations for improved efficiency and decision-making.

The Impact of AI in Work: Challenges, and Opportunities

AI in Work _ Helmet - Image generated by Midjourney for The AI Track

The AI Track’s extensive analysis explores how AI is reshaping jobs and workplaces, emphasizing the need for human-AI collaboration and upskilling in the AI-driven workforce. 

Argentina will use AI to ‘predict future crimes’ but experts worry for citizens’ rights

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Argentina will use AI to ‘predict future crimes’ but experts worry for citizens’ rights

Source: The Guardian

Date: 1 August 2024

Key Takeaway: Argentina’s government plans to use artificial intelligence (AI) to predict and prevent future crimes. This initiative aims to enhance security measures but raises significant concerns about potential infringements on citizen rights and freedoms.

Key Points:

  • AI Initiative: The Ministry of Security in Argentina has announced the creation of an Artificial Intelligence Unit Applied to Security (UIAAS). This unit will use machine learning algorithms to analyze historical crime data and predict future crimes.
  • Technological Measures: The AI system will incorporate drone surveillance, social media monitoring, and facial recognition to bolster security efforts.
  • Government Justification: The government argues that this technology will improve the efficiency of security forces, allowing for faster and more precise responses to threats and emergencies.
  • Human Rights Concerns: Human rights groups are worried that these measures could infringe on freedom of expression and lead to self-censorship. There are concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability in the use of such technologies.
  • Historical Context: The use of facial recognition by the government was previously ruled unconstitutional by a Buenos Aires court in 2023 due to non-compliance with legal requirements for protecting personal rights.
  • Global Context: The initiative is inspired by similar uses of AI in countries like the United States, China, and Israel, which have integrated AI into their security operations.

Why This Matters: The implementation of AI to predict and prevent crimes represents a significant shift in law enforcement practices. While it promises enhanced security and efficiency, it also poses serious risks to civil liberties and privacy. Ensuring transparency and accountability in the deployment of such technologies is crucial to prevent potential abuses and protect citizen rights.

Artificial intelligence is helping to identify global inequalities

Original Article Title:

Artificial intelligence is helping to identify global inequalities

Source: Nature

Date: May 27, 2024

Key Takeaway:

AI is playing a crucial role in identifying and addressing global inequalities by helping researchers understand income distribution and societal divisions. These insights are essential for developing effective policies aimed at reducing inequality within and among countries, as outlined in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 10.

Key Points:

  • Machine learning tools help identify key predictors of inequality.
  • AI aids in understanding income distribution and societal divisions.
  • The goal is to ensure sustained income growth for the bottom 40% of the population.
  • Researchers emphasize the importance of tackling inequality to improve overall societal well-being and economic performance.
  • Highlighting inherited inequalities can drive political support for redistributive policies.

Amazon-Powered AI Cameras Used to Detect Emotions of Unwitting UK Train Passengers

Original Article Title:

Artificial intelligence is helping to identify global inequalities

Source: WIRED

Date: 17 June 2024

Key Takeaway: Amazon is testing AI-powered cameras in UK trains to monitor and analyze passengers’ emotions to enhance safety and customer service.

Key Points:

  • Technology Usage: AI cameras can detect emotions such as stress, anger, or anxiety.
  • Safety Measures: The data helps train staff respond to potential safety issues proactively.
  • Privacy Concerns: This surveillance raises significant ethical questions regarding privacy and the implications of monitoring public behavior.

Why This Matters: This technology could reshape public safety and customer service while igniting debates on privacy and surveillance ethics.

Binit, a startup, is using AI to revolutionize waste management

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Binit is bringing AI to trash

Source: TechCrunch

Date: 3 June 2024

Key Takeaway: Binit, a startup, is using AI to revolutionize waste management by improving recycling processes and reducing waste contamination.

Key Points:

  • AI Integration: Binit’s AI technology automates waste sorting, increasing recycling efficiency.
  • Environmental Impact: The system aims to reduce landfill waste and enhance sustainability.
  • Scalability: Binit is targeting expansion, aiming to bring its AI-driven solutions to more cities and industries.

Why This Matters: Binit’s AI-driven approach could significantly advance global recycling efforts, promoting environmental sustainability.

AI in Military: How AI is Changing the Game of War Forever

AI in MILITARY - Soldier with AI warfare in war territory - Image generated by AI for The AI Track

The AI Track’s extensive analysis explores how militaries worldwide are aggressively adopting artificial intelligence across diverse functions to gain strategic advantages. 

A Dubai chef created a smash-hit pizza using a recipe generated by ChatGPT

Original Article Title:

Chef Admits His Smash Hit Pizza Was Invented by ChatGPT

Source: Futurism

Date: 31 August 2024

A Dubai chef created a smash-hit pizza using a recipe generated by ChatGPT, surprising customers and himself with an unconventional but successful mix of flavors.

Key Points:

  • Innovative Recipe: ChatGPT suggested a pizza recipe featuring Arab shawarma chicken, Indian grilled paneer, Middle Eastern Za’atar, and tahini sauce, which became a hit at Dodo Pizza in Dubai.
  • Unexpected Success: Despite the unusual combination, the pizza sold exceptionally well and remains on the menu.
  • Rejected Ideas: Other AI-generated recipes, such as pizza with strawberries and pasta, were not as successful.

Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports.

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Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court?

Source: NBC News

Date: 26 August 2024

Police departments across the U.S. are beginning to use AI chatbots to draft crime reports, significantly reducing the time officers spend on paperwork. While this technology, built on the same model as ChatGPT, offers time-saving benefits and potential improvements in report accuracy, it also raises concerns about the reliability of AI-generated reports and the broader implications for the criminal justice system.

Key Points:

  • AI-Generated Reports: The Oklahoma City Police Department, among others, is experimenting with an AI tool called “Draft One” to create first drafts of incident reports based on audio captured by body cameras. The AI generates these reports in seconds, which officers describe as being more accurate and better flowing than their own written reports.
  • Benefits for Police Work: Officers like Sgt. Matt Gilmore from Oklahoma City have found the AI-generated reports to be a game-changer, significantly reducing the time spent on data entry. Axon, the company behind Draft One and known for its Tasers and body cameras, claims this tool has received the most positive reaction of any product they’ve introduced.
  • Concerns and Cautions: Despite the enthusiasm, there are concerns about the potential downsides of AI-generated reports. Legal scholars, like Andrew Ferguson, worry that the ease of automation could lead officers to be less careful in their report writing, which could introduce subtle inaccuracies or “hallucinations”—false information generated by AI—into crucial documents that play a significant role in legal proceedings.
  • Limited Use in High-Stakes Cases: Currently, the Oklahoma City Police Department is using Draft One only for minor incident reports that do not lead to arrests or involve violent crimes. However, other departments, like those in Lafayette, Indiana, and Fort Collins, Colorado, allow broader use of the tool across various types of cases.
  • Broader Implications: The introduction of AI-generated police reports has sparked debate about the potential for racial biases to be embedded in AI technology and the broader impact on civil rights. Community activists express concern that such tools could exacerbate issues of police surveillance and harassment, particularly in communities of color.
  • Technology and Future Use: Axon, working with OpenAI and Microsoft, has designed the AI to stick closely to facts by adjusting its “creativity dial” to avoid embellishments. While the technology is still new, it is expected to become more widespread as more departments adopt AI-driven tools for report writing.

Why This Matters: The integration of AI into police work, particularly in drafting crime reports, represents a significant shift in how law enforcement agencies operate. While the technology offers clear benefits in efficiency and accuracy, it also introduces new risks, particularly concerning the potential for AI to introduce inaccuracies or biases into critical legal documents. As AI-generated reports become more common, it will be essential to establish clear guidelines and safeguards to ensure their reliability and fairness in the justice system.

AI Cameras in UK Catch Seat Belt and mobile phone Offenses

Original Article Title:

Devon and Cornwall AI Cameras Spot Toddlers Not Wearing Seat Belts

Source: BBC

Date: 31 August 2024

Key Takeaway:

AI cameras in Devon and Cornwall (UK) have detected over 2,000 seat belt (with more than 100 involving children), and over 800 mobile phone offenses in a short period. Authorities are alarmed and suggest adding penalty points to fines for seat belt violations, especially given the potential dangers to young passengers.

Key Points:

  • AI Camera Detection: Between 25 July and 17 August 2024, AI cameras on three major roads (A388, A361, A38) in Devon and Cornwall detected 2,239 seat belt violations, including 109 children not properly restrained.
  • Case of Unrestrained Toddler: One particularly shocking case involved a toddler sitting on a woman’s lap in the front passenger seat, highlighting severe risks in the event of a crash or sudden stop.
  • Call for Tougher Penalties: Adrian Leisk, head of road safety for Devon and Cornwall Police, is pushing for seat belt violations to not only carry fines (up to £500) but also attract penalty points to deter offenses.
  • Impact of Non-Compliance: Seth Marks, a young man who was left paralyzed in a crash for not wearing a seat belt at 18, shared his story, urging others not to make the same mistake, emphasizing the lifelong consequences.
  • AI Camera Technology: The AI cameras, developed by Acusensus, use high shutter speeds, infra-red flash, and filtering systems to capture clear images of vehicles. Offenses are detected by AI and reviewed by human experts.
  • Mobile Phone Offenses: Alongside seat belt violations, over 800 mobile phone offenses were captured in the same period, showing the broader issue of unsafe driving behavior.
  • Police Safeguarding Action: Authorities are conducting welfare visits to the guardians of the children involved, ensuring their safety and preventing future risks.
  • Public Reaction and Charity Support: Road safety advocates, such as the charity Brake, are deeply concerned about the disregard for seat belt laws, particularly when children’s lives are at risk.
  • Costs of the AI Program: The 12-month project, funded by road offense fines, is costing “hundreds of thousands” of pounds, with future plans to deploy the cameras in other regions like Plymouth and Torbay.

Why This Matters:

This AI camera initiative reveals the extent of seat belt non-compliance, particularly among children, and highlights the need for stronger enforcement and penalties. The data underscores the potential life-threatening consequences of such behavior, with authorities and advocates calling for immediate action to protect vulnerable road users. The success of similar systems in Australia suggests this technology can significantly change driver behavior over time.

How artificial intelligence is helping to identify global inequalities

Original Article Title:

How artificial intelligence is helping to identify global inequalities

Source: Nature

Date: 27 May 2024

Key Takeaway:

AI is playing a crucial role in identifying and addressing global inequalities by helping researchers understand income distribution and societal divisions. These insights are essential for developing effective policies aimed at reducing inequality within and among countries, as outlined in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 10.

Key Points:

  • Machine learning tools help identify key predictors of inequality.
  • AI aids in understanding income distribution and societal divisions.
  • The goal is to ensure sustained income growth for the bottom 40% of the population.
  • Researchers emphasize the importance of tackling inequality to improve overall societal well-being and economic performance.
  • Highlighting inherited inequalities can drive political support for redistributive policies.

GameNGen: Google’s Breakthrough AI Real-Time Gaming

Original Article Title:

Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines

Source: Nature

Date: 27 August 2024

🕹️ Google has developed GameNGen, the world’s first AI-powered game engine that can simulate real-time gameplay with astonishing accuracy. Using neural models, GameNGen can predict the next frame of a complex game like DOOM at 20 FPS, matching human-perceived quality. The game engine operates entirely on AI, making it a revolutionary step forward for real-time game engines.

Here’s how it works:

  1. An RL agent learns to play the game, recording its gameplay.
  2. A diffusion model generates the next frame based on past actions and frames.

🎮 Why this matters:

  • High-quality simulations of complex environments.
  • Potential to reshape how games are built—AI could replace traditional, manually programmed game engines.
  • Opens doors for more interactive and adaptive gaming experiences.

🤖 What’s next? Neural game engines like GameNGen could pave the way for automatically generated games—similar to how images are generated by AI today. A new paradigm is on the horizon for gaming!

Romania’s Pioneering Leap: World’s First AI Government Adviser - Ion

Original Article Title:

Romania’s Pioneering Leap: Introducing Ion, the AI Government Adviser

Source: The AI Track

Date: 8 July 2024

Key Takeaway:

Romania has introduced Ion, the world’s first AI-powered government adviser, marking a significant step in integrating AI into public governance. Ion is designed to analyze and gather public sentiment on key policy issues in real-time, providing valuable insights to government officials and helping shape decision-making processes.

Key Points:

  • AI-Driven Public Sentiment Analysis: Ion’s primary role is to analyze opinions and feedback from the public, offering real-time insights on policy discussions. This provides the Romanian government with a powerful tool for understanding public opinion on a large scale.
  • Interactive Capabilities: Ion functions as more than just an analysis tool; it interacts directly with citizens through digital platforms. This two-way communication channel enables the AI to gather feedback and respond to inquiries, fostering deeper civic engagement.
  • Challenges: Despite its innovative potential, Ion raises concerns about potential biases, particularly in how it collects data predominantly from digital channels like social media, which may exclude certain demographics. This could result in skewed representation and underscores the need for complementary data collection methods.
  • Privacy and Manipulation Risks: With Ion’s heavy reliance on online data, there are risks of misinformation, manipulation, and digital interference from bots or fake accounts. To mitigate these risks, ongoing monitoring and verification mechanisms are essential.
  • Impact on Policy-Making: While Ion provides valuable data, experts argue it should supplement, not replace, traditional decision-making methods. A balanced approach ensures that human judgment remains central to policy decisions, supported by AI insights.

Why This Matters:

The launch of Ion signals a new era in how governments can leverage AI to enhance transparency, engage citizens, and gather real-time data. However, it also highlights the challenges of maintaining data integrity and ensuring inclusivity in AI-driven governance systems. The success of such initiatives will depend on continuous refinement, transparency, and responsible innovation.

AI in the 2024 Paris Olympics: A Glimpse into the Future of Sports

Original Article Title:

AI in the 2024 Paris Olympics: A Glimpse into the Future of Sports

Source: The AI Track

Date: 8 August 2024

Key Takeaway:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize the 2024 Paris Olympics, enhancing athlete performance, improving viewer experiences, and bolstering security measures. However, these advancements also raise concerns about privacy, surveillance, and ethical implications.

Key Points:

  • Athlete Performance and Training: AI technologies, such as Intel’s 3DAT system, provide real-time biomechanical data to optimize training, focusing on factors like speed, stride length, and acceleration. Custom gear designed through AI insights further enhances athletes’ competitive edge.
  • Broadcasting Enhancements: AI-driven innovations, such as 3D modeling, multi-camera replays, and personalized statistics, will significantly improve how sports are broadcasted. These technologies allow for deeper engagement, offering viewers real-time insights and immersive experiences. Google’s collaboration as Team USA’s AI sponsor integrates tools like Google Maps Immersive View for enhanced viewer interaction.
  • AI Surveillance: AI will play a significant role in monitoring public spaces and ensuring security during the Olympics. Surveillance systems using AI will monitor 46 transport hubs in Paris, detecting crowd surges and abandoned objects. However, this has sparked privacy concerns, with critics warning of potential overreach and the normalization of mass surveillance.
  • Ethical Debates: Companies behind these technologies, such as Wintics, claim that they avoid facial recognition, but privacy advocates remain skeptical. The debate centers on the broader implications of using AI for mass monitoring and the need for transparency in how data is collected and processed.

Why This Matters:

AI’s integration into the 2024 Paris Olympics exemplifies its transformative potential across various sectors, from sports to security. While these advancements promise to enhance the overall experience, they also prompt crucial discussions around privacy, ethics, and responsible AI use in public events.

AI Chatbots Can Reduce Conspiracy Theories: New Study Findings

Original Article Title:

Generative AI as a tool for truth

Source: Science

Date: 12 September 2024

A new study shows that AI chatbots can help reduce belief in conspiracy theories. Researchers found that after interacting with an AI called “DebunkBot,” participants’ confidence in their beliefs dropped by 20%. The chatbot used personalized, evidence-based responses, fact-checked for accuracy, and proved more effective than human debates in promoting critical thinking and reducing misinformation.


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