AI Use Cases (General)

Cities Use Google’s Green Light AI for Traffic and Emissions - Image generated by AI for The AI Track

Cities Use Google’s Green Light AI for Traffic and Emissions

Google AI’s Project Green Light AI aims to reduce traffic emissions and improve traffic flow by optimizing traffic signals, while an AI system is being used to set variable speed limits on a US freeway to manage traffic more effectively. Meanwhile, Michigan is advancing its smart highway initiatives with a 25-mile corridor for connected and automated vehicles on I-94. Cities Use Google’s Green Light AI for Traffic and Emissions – Image generated by AI for The AI Track Google’s Project Green Light AI – Key Points

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AI in our lives

The Future is Now: 14 Ways AI is Already Changing Our Lives

AI is no longer restricted to futuristic movies and labs. It has entered the mainstream and become an integral part of our everyday lives. In this article, we’ll highlight 14 areas where AI-powered devices and services are transforming routine activities like commuting, socializing, working, and running a smart home.

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