The Ultimate Prompts Collection: 60+ Templates for Common Tasks

Customizable Prompts – Starter Phrases for ChatGPT & Beyond

Chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, or Claude, have opened up new possibilities for utilizing AI to increase productivity, creativity, and efficiency across many common tasks. However, their full potential relies on providing the right prompts and instructions to the AI.

That’s why we’ve compiled this ultimate collection of prompt templates for seamlessly integrating chatbots into your daily workflows.

Whether you’re looking to draft emails, create content outlines, summarize long reports, or brainstorm ideas, our prompts book equips you with the starter phrases you need to get high-quality AI-generated output.

We’ve honed each template through extensive testing and user feedback to create an authoritative playbook.

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The Ultimate Prompts Collection

All prompts can be used as they are (with your customization) in most major AI chatbots (ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude, etc).

If you are new to using AI chatbots, check out our “How to Use ChatGTP” guide, for helpful tips.

(Prompts for) Generating Text

  • Write a [NUMBER] word [STYLE] email requesting [GOAL]
  • Generate a [LENGTH] [STYLE] letter to [WHERE TO] regarding a [TOPIC]
  • Create a [STYLE] [TOPIC] message for [WHOM] including [ADD GUIDELINES]
  • Generate a response to a this email [PROVIDE THE EMAIL], including [GIVE GUIDANCE]
  • Generate a [GOAL] email, for [WHOM], including [GUIDANCE]
  • Generate a blog post about [add the topic]
  • Generate a complaint letter [topic]
  • Create an outline for [PURPOSE]
  • Structure a (project) plan for [PURPOSE]
  • Create a structured outline for a 600-word blog article (essay) about [TOPIC].”
  • Compose 5 captivating and shareable [SOCIAL MEDIA] posts
  • Please edit and improve the following [SOCIAL MEDIA] post
  • Write 5 creative, catchy and viral [SOCIAL MEDIA] [TYPE: Story, Post] about [TOPIC], with all what is needed to be completed, together with image suggestions
  • Please generate [STYLE, such as engaging, inspirational, humorous, etc.]  captions for this photo of [DESCRIPTION] for [TARGET AUDIENCE] post

Creating Presentations

“Generate 10 captivating title options for my upcoming work presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP]. Aim for titles that are compelling and relevant to their interests.”

  • Presentation Outline: Please create a structured outline for a [PRESENTATION DURATION] presentation titled [TITLE], about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], in [NUMBER of SLIDES] slides, that will be presented to [TARGET GROUP].
  • Key Points for Topic-Specific Presentations: Identify the crucial points I should cover in a presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP], ensuring comprehensiveness and relevance.
  • Simplifying Complex Concepts for General Audiences: How can I effectively introduce and explain the concept of [name of concept] in my presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP]

  • Dynamic Presentation Starters: Please suggest 10 dynamic and impactful ways to start my presentation, including ideas for attention-grabbing first slides, for my upcoming presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP].
  • Icebreakers for Topic-Related Presentations: Provide a list of engaging and topic-relevant icebreakers for starting my presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [NUMBER] [TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION], that will be presented in a [PLACE DESCRIPTION]

  • Supplementary Material Ideas: I need suggestions for additional handouts and resources that would effectively complement and enhance the content of my presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP].
  • Font Selection: Give me ideas to enhance the readability of my presentation slides, focusing on selecting font pairs and sizes for my presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [NUMBER] [TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION], that will be presented in a [PLACE DESCRIPTION]
  • Incorporating Storytelling in Presentations: My presentation is about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION]. Please suggest creative ways to weave storytelling into my presentation, enhancing audience engagement and message retention.
  • Interactive Presentation Elements: Please suggest ways to make my presentation more interactive about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT], targeting an audience of [TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION], perhaps through the inclusion of quizzes, polls, or direct audience participation activities.

What strategies and techniques can I employ to confidently address and manage questions from an audience of [TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION], in my presentation about [PRESENTATION SUBJECT]?

Editing Text

  • I want to check this content for errors: ‘CONTENT
  • Please correct this ‘CONTENT
  • Rewrite this content to correct the use of language, sentence structure, and the clearance of the meaning. “CONTENT”
  • Please rephrase this sentence: ‘ADD SENTENCE
  • Please rephrase this sentence ‘ADD SENTENCE‘, in the style of: ‘ADD STYLE OF REFERENCE
  • Revamp this content, emulating the style of [STYLE]. “CONTENT”
  • Rewrite this content in a more [ADD STYLE, for example formal, persuasive, conversational, convincing, engaging, humorous, authoritative, etc. style.
  • Rewrite this content in the style of [ADD STYLE]
  • Rewrite this content to make it more [ADD STYLE, for example formal, humorous, authoritative, etc.]
  • I want to shorten this text [YOU CAN ADD by 50% OR NOT]
  • I want to make this text longer [YOU CAN ADD by 25% OR NOT]
  • Summarize this article [ADD URL]
  • Rewrite this content to avoid plagiarism “CONTENT”

SEO optimizations

  • Please rewrite it in accordance with SEO requirements for SEO optimization. “CONTENT”
  • Please suggest relevant keywords “CONTENT”
  • Please generate a meta description to improve click-through rates for this article “ADD article, or DESCRIBE main idea”
  • Propose 10 compelling and conversion-driven clickbait titles for the given topic. [TOPIC]
  • Rewrite this content to create compelling headings and headings “CONTENT”.

Learning, Understanding, and Researching

Please explain the key differences between [TOPIC1] and [TOPIC2], focusing on their main concepts, applications, and any overlapping areas. Additionally, provide examples to illustrate these differences.

  • What is the difference between [TOPIC1] and [TOPIC2?]
  • Compare [TOPIC1] to [TOPIC2?]

Regarding the topic of [TOPIC], please initiate a series of questions designed to assess my current understanding. After each response I provide, analyze my answer for accuracy and completeness. If any knowledge gaps or inaccuracies are detected, kindly provide a more comprehensive and accurate explanation to enhance my understanding of [TOPIC].

Could you explain [concept] using a metaphor that relates to [specific context or familiar scenario]? This would help me better grasp its nuances and implications

Please provide a detailed step-by-step visualization exercise designed to help me deeply understand and internalize the concept of [TERM TOPIC]. This exercise should include specific scenarios and techniques to enable me to vividly imagine applying [TERM TOPIC] successfully in a real-life situation

Please provide detailed step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish [TOPIC]. While doing so, take into account the specific context of [CONTEXT], focusing on aspects such as [SPECIFIC DETAILS or CONCERNS relevant to the CONTEXT].

Develop a customized study schedule for a [DURATION] period to enhance my skills in [TOPIC]. I aim to [SPECIFY GOAL: learn from scratch, improve, or master] this subject. My current proficiency level is [LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE], and I am able to dedicate [TIME AVAILABILITY] per day/week for studying. Please recommend [METHOD or TOOLS], like online resources, best suited for my learning goal. Include designated times for both revision and testing within the schedule.

Could you develop a series of mental models or analogies that will assist me in better understanding and retaining key concepts related to [SPECIFIC TOPIC]? Please ensure these models or analogies are simple, relatable, and vivid to facilitate easy comprehension and memory retention.

Please provide a list of diverse learning resources, including videos, books, podcasts, and interactive exercises, tailored to different learning styles, for the topic [TOPIC]

Please compile a comprehensive list of top resources or references related to the specific topic of “[TOPIC]”. This list should include books, academic papers, reputable online articles, and any other significant sources that are widely recognized for their authority and expertise in this field. Please ensure that each resource is accompanied by a brief description outlining its relevance and contribution to the topic.

Could you compile a detailed list of the most influential and widely discussed articles published in [insert specific year] on the topic of [insert specific topic]? For each article, please include the title, author(s), date of publication, and a concise summary. Prioritize articles recognized for their impact or acclaim within the relevant field.

Provide a detailed and lesser-known fact about [SPECIFIC TOPIC], focusing on an aspect that is commonly overlooked or misunderstood by the general public.

I am a [level of knowledge, such as “complete beginner”] in [TOPIC], interested in enhancing my skills in [Specific Skill]. Can you apply the Pareto Principle, concentrating on the most impactful 20% of this topic that yields 80% of the benefits, to craft a concise, tailored learning plan suitable for my knowledge level?”

As someone with [specific level of knowledge] in [specific topic], I am looking to further develop my skills in [specific skill]. Could you use the Stayman Technique to design a concise and personalized learning plan that aligns with my current level of expertise?

Create a beginner-friendly, step-by-step guide detailing how to perform [TASK] or achieve [GOAL]. Please ensure that each step is clear and straightforward, with explanations of any technical terms or concepts used. This guide should be suitable for someone with no prior experience in this area.

Could you assist me in resolving [PROBLEM]? Please provide a step-by-step troubleshooting guide or offer advice on how to address this issue.

Brainstorming – Suggestions

  • Help me brainstorm [NUMBER] [STYLE] [TOPIC] ideas for [PURPOSE]
  • Come up with [NUMBER] [STYLE] [TOPIC] for [PURPOSE]
  • Suggest [NUMBER] [STYLE] [TOPIC] ideas for [PURPOSE]
  • I need a [TOPIC] recommendation for [PURPOSE]
  • What [KIND, such as novel, movie etc.] would you recommend based on [EXAMPLES] I’ve enjoyed before?


  • What are some reasons I [PROBLEM] and how can I improve?
  • How do I become more [TARGET] in [WHERE]?
  • What are constructive strategies for managing [PROBLEM]
  • Should I ask for [PURPOSE, such as: a raise at my performance review next week]?

Shopping – Gifts

“I’m looking for [Category] products. Can you recommend some popular options in this category?”

“I need help comparing the features of [Product A] and [Product B]. Can you provide a detailed comparison to help me decide?”

“I’m interested in purchasing [Product]. Could you find and summarize some recent reviews and ratings for this product?”

“I’m looking for the best deals and discounts on [Product Category]. Can you help me find current promotions and offers?”

“I need gift ideas for [Occasion] that are thoughtful and unique. Can you suggest some options for me?”

“I’m on the hunt for a rare or specialty item in [Category]. Can you help me locate sources or sellers for this product?”

“I’m not sure about the size or fit for [Product]. Can you provide guidance on sizing and fit based on customer reviews or specifications?”

“I’m looking for products that are compatible with [Device/Brand]. Can you help me find accessories or add-ons that work well with it?”

  • Prompt: “I need gift recommendations for my [Recipient’s Relationship] who loves [Recipient’s Interests/Hobbies]. Can you suggest thoughtful and personalized gift ideas?”
  • How to Use ChatGPT: Provide details about the recipient’s interests, hobbies, and any preferences you have in mind. ChatGPT can generate tailored gift ideas based on this information.

  • Prompt: “I have a budget of [Budget Amount] for a [Occasion] gift. Can you suggest creative and budget-friendly gift ideas that fit within this range?”
  • How to in Use ChatGPT: Specify your budget limit and any relevant details about the occasion or recipient. ChatGPT can recommend thoughtful gifts that won’t exceed your budget.

  • Prompt: “I want to find a unique and personalized gift for my [Recipient’s Name] to make [Occasion] special. Can you suggest something that reflects thoughtfulness?”
  • How to Use in ChatGPT: Share details about the recipient’s personality, interests, and any special memories you want to incorporate into the gift. ChatGPT can offer creative and personalized suggestions.

  • Prompt: “I’m running out of time to find a gift for [Occasion]. Can you help me quickly find a thoughtful gift idea that can be purchased or prepared in a hurry?”
  • How to Use in ChatGPT: Mention the time constraint and any preferences you have in mind. ChatGPT can provide last-minute gift ideas that are still meaningful and appropriate

  • Prompt: “I need gift ideas for [Occasion] coming up. Can you suggest a variety of gift options suitable for this special occasion?”
  • How to Use in ChatGPT: Specify the occasion, any themes you’d like to explore (e.g., romantic gifts for Valentine’s Day), and any specific preferences. ChatGPT can generate occasion-specific gift ideas.

Emotional Support

Explore our comprehensive analysis on harnessing Chatbots for emotional support, complete with examples demonstrating the use of these prompts, in our article titled “ChatGPT: Your 2 AM AI Emotional Support for Mental Well-Being” (linked here).

  • I’m feeling very [insert emotion] right now because [explain situation]. I need someone to listen and validate my feelings.

I’m going through a really difficult time right now because [EXPLAIN SITUATION]. Can you provide some encouraging words and support to uplift me?

I’m feeling extremely anxious right now and worry I might have a panic attack. Can you suggest some tips to help me manage these feelings and prevent a full attack?


Example: I need advice on a personal matter [DESCRIBE]. Can you help me find the best approach?

I’m unsure how to navigate a difficult situation [DESCRIBE]. Can you offer guidance?

“I’ve been under immense pressure lately and feel extremely stressed out. Could you please recommend some of your best relaxation techniques and stress reduction tips?

Follow up with specific questions like:

“Could you walk me through a 5-minute box breathing exercise to relieve stress?”


“What are some mindfulness techniques to reduce anxiety within a busy workplace?”Emotional Support

This is an ever-evolving collection of prompts. We continuously add new prompt templates as we discover or develop them. The goal is to provide a diverse library of starting points you can customize for different AI chat platforms.

If you have any prompt suggestions, corrections, or requests, please let us know! We welcome your input to help expand this resource. Feedback and ideas from the community allow us to improve the quality and variety of prompts available here.

Please feel free to contact us at with any prompt contributions you think would benefit others. Working together, we can build an extensive prompt bank to unleash the full potential of AI chatbots.

The Ultimate Prompts Collection
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